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This year has been a dramatic series of ups and downs.  I guess the same can be said for most years, but this year has seen a lot.

1. The ever-present threat of my husband being deployed.  Moving around chemical weapons and the threat of nuclear conflict control our lives.

2. Husband constantly gone.  Whether it be somewhere local like DC, or farther away like Jordan or Korea.  I’ve missed him.  Our kids have missed him.  Giving myself the attention needed to be truly successful at weightloss has been a huge battle when my kids need me so much.

3. My health issues.  Between my appendix, hernia repair, gallbladder surgery, and other assorted issues it’s been a crazy year with my health.  I’m fighting hard, but sometimes I just get tired.

There are a million excuses I could give about why I’m not at my goal weight, but here’s the most important part.  I am succeeding with my main goal


I’m still in this fight.

I’m back at the gym.

I’ve kicked the nasty soda habit to the curb.

I’m tracking my food like a rockstar.

I’m wearing my fitbit and syncing with my Spark People page.

I’m blogging more (albeit on my Spark People page).

What are my goals for 2013?

1. I will achieve a 30 day streak of consistency with working out, tracking my food, and wearing my fitbit.  I will achieve this by setting a schedule and sticking to it, thus forming positive habits.

2. I will do my daily affirmations.  I always think about ‘Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley’ “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it people like me.”  Honestly, I’ve spent my whole life picking myself apart.  Never thinking about the good, but focusing on the bad.  Well you know what I’ve discovered?  I’m not a bad person.  I have good qualities and it’s about damn time that I’ve noticed them.

3. I will continue to cook dinner and try new healthy recipes.  It’s easier to control my food destiny from the comfort of my own home.  Not to mention it’s easier to deal with the kiddos at home.  I will accomplish this by continuing to plan my menu and persuing interesting recipes.

4.  I will wear a much smaller dress to the Army Birthday Ball!  June 15 is the day.  I want my husband’s jaw to drop and I want to feel GOOD!

These aren’t resolutions that I will forget.  I’m done doing that.  I don’t give up.  I fight.  I win.